Thursday, February 16, 2012

Natalie's Daddy

February 3rd

I grew up with (and still have) a very involved father. Growing up having a close-knit family raised my expectations of what my own family would be like. While dating Nathan, I was able to see what the future father of my children would be like because Nathan already had Gabriel and was already a father. It was kind of like cheating the system by getting a glimpse into the future.

I think people, women especially, underestimate the importance of having an involved father. Although I have seen Nathan interact and father Gabriel for years, it was like seeing it with different eyes when Natalie was born. I am so proud of Nathan and the relationship that he and Natalie have together. It is so special and totally unique. They go on nature hikes, take cat naps on the couch while watching cartoons, and sit in the back yard and talk to the ducks. I know these are little things, but it's the little things that sometimes mean the most. I also know that Nathan doesn't think twice because he feels he's just being a dad and doing what dads do.

 I am so blessed to have Nathan as a husband and father to Natalie. I honestly don't know how I would do it on my own, and I am so happy I'll never have to know. I think we are an amazing team, and he is my other half- my often better half. He is my support system, the man who holds everything together, and without him I would be lost. I was always told having a baby changes your relationship, and I agree with this completely. We have less us time, have to plan ahead a little more, and the weekdays can definitely be a little stressful. One thing that hasn't changed is my love for Nathan.

The card said for being a good mom. They were from my three lovins'

My class reaction was: It is your birthday or anniversary? What did he do to make you mad? Did he make you cry? Are y'all fighting?

So Nathan thank you for not needing a reason to make my day special. Happy February 3rd :)

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