Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Easter Weekend

The End of Spring Break

April 7th

Although this was not Natalie's first Easter, it was like her first Easter in a lot of ways. We colored eggs Friday night after Natalie went to sleep, and Gabriel and Natalie enjoyed an early egg hunt on Saturday since Gabriel wouldn't be around on Sunday.
Gabriel hunting for eggs.

Being a good big brother.

Happy Easter!
Our ducks are growing up!

"Look mom, it's purple!"

April 8th

Looking in her basket on Easter morning.

Earlier in the week, we stopped in to see the Easter bunny. Unlike Santa, Natalie did not cry when I put her down. I don't think she realized it was a person because she sat really still. When I went to get her she didn't move, almost like she was trying to be invisible! It was not a traumatizing experience for anyone! 
Natalie and the Easter bunny

Gabriel and I were feeling creative over break and went to the paint on pottery place near our house. We both had a great time. Gabriel made an alligator and Natalie and I made a plate in honor of her upcoming birthday. Both turned out great! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Zoo with the Family

April 6th

We ended Gabriel's Spring Break with a trip to the zoo. After finding out just how much Natalie enjoyed it, we got year passes! It's been about 3 years since Gabriel has been, so he enjoyed seeing everything.
Our Sweet Lovin'

Nathan's Fave- the Cheetah was actually out and moving!

A family picture

Gabriel being silly.

Poppa and Grandma with the kiddos.

Playing in the water area.

Gabriel wanted Natalie to ride the dolphin so bad!

Caught him!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Pre-Easter Egg Hunt

March 31st

A week after my Spring Break ended, we got Gabriel for his. It was like another vacation because Nathan was off all week too. The three of them got to spend a lot of time together, Nathan got some projects finished, and I had a couple of days off of work as well. We started off break by going to Pinewood for their annual Egg Drop, only because of the weather there wasn't an actual drop. Gabriel had a great time running around playing games, eating donuts, and they both rode the train. Gabriel is such a good big brother. He asked if he could take Natalie on the train. We figured she wouldn't enjoy it as much as he would enjoy taking her, but we were wrong. She really seemed to enjoy it!
Nathan, Gabriel, Grammo, and Natalie

Enjoying the train
After the rides, the egg hunts began. Natalie's age group was first, and she really did not know what to think. Her big thing lately is holding more than one thing in her hand at once. She spent most of the time trying to grab two eggs at once. Normally this would be easy for her, but the eggs were a little wet from the morning dew. She had fun walking around and trying to grab and step on the eggs. Gabriel on the other hand had his game face on. He was hunting for eggs like there was a grand prize. They both had a great day, which ended with a delicious lunch.
Natalie's first egg hunt

Nathan protecting Natalie once the older kids egg hunt began!

My lovins'
Her favorite part

Walking around like she's the only one around!

Natalie with cousin Olivia

This is how a real egg hunter hunts!

Packing in the eggs.

Brother and sister

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Break Part Three

March 22nd

If only Spring Break lasted as long as it's taken for me to blog about it! Thursday was spent doing our usual- relaxing, playing outside, and going on a wagon ride.

March 25th

On Saturday, my sister and brother-in-law came into town and Thomas took Natalie's one year pictures. Since Natalie was born days before Easter last year, we thought it would be so awesome to find a bunny or chick to borrow for a once in a lifetime first birthday picture. Well, we couldn't find anyone with a cute Easter animal for loan so I did what any practical parent would do- I bought two ducks!! It was actually Nathan's idea, but as soon as he mentioned it I was dead set on it. We thought a duck would be best since we live on a pond and can let them go free in our backyard once they are grown. It also seemed fitting since Natalie loves the ducks in the backyard and can actually say duck.

After a Saturday full of fabulous pictures, Sunday was spent relaxing. Did I mention we did a lot of relaxing over break??? We let the ducks play outside and even introduced them to their neighboring ducks.

Let me introduce you to the new members of our family: Ming-Ming, Steve, Chandler, Joey, Aflac, Duck, OR Goose depending on who you ask.

Natalie Grace playing in the water.

Combining two of her favorites- outdoors and water!

And in case you are still hung up on the once in a lifetime pictures we did end up getting, that is for another post so check back!

Natalie's First Trip to the Zoo

 March 21st

On Wednesday, Natalie went to the zoo for the first time. She had such a good time. She enjoyed the animals, but I think her favorite part was being outside. We took her wagon, and Natalie and cousin Jake rode in it off and on throughout the day. It was a hot day, but we took lots of breaks, stayed in the shade, and enjoyed a shaved ice. Natalie had a blast! I had such a hard time choosing the pictures because I wanted to post them all! Here are quite a few of my favorites:

Excited from the beginning.

Hanging out with a Champion Gator.

Seeing the giraffes
Mark, Jake, Nathan, and Natalie

Me and my love muffin

Grammo and Natalie

Natalie and Jake taking a drink break.
Natalie loved the petting zoo. I'm pretty sure she thought this goat was a giant kitty.

Sliding down with Daddy.

How cute is she??

Feeding the Lorakeets

Natalie wanted to grab them so bad!