Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Play Date with Good Friends

June 1st
It's pretty sad that I am extremely excited about finally making it to a June blog! Ugh, I'll never catch up!!
Anyway, At the beginning of June my good friend Janice came over with her kiddos. I started working with Janice two years ago. At the time I thought being "volun-told" to have the ESE class was going to be terrible. I was really wrong. Not only did I learn so much from Janice as a teacher, but we became very good friends. The coolest part about our friendship was that we were pregnant at the same time. I ended up having Abi only 13 days after she had Ava. It was nice being able to discuss baby stuff with someone who totally understood and was dealing with the similar issues. I just knew our girls were destined to be great friends, and I was devastated to find out that Janice and her family were moving to North Carolina. Natalie also loves hanging out with Janice's older boys, Conner and Cooper. We were able to get together one last time before they left at the beginning of summer. It was a great day!
Lunch break

Playing on the trampoline with the water hose and loving it!


Natalie exiting the bounce house.


Best of friends- Ava and Abi

Little cuties!

Pool Day at Grandma and Poppa's

May 26th

Since Kristy and the fam were in town for Memorial Day, we spent our Sunday at my parents house. As always there was family time, swimming, and good food! I tend to be a slacker with the camera while I'm there, but I did manage a couple of pictures.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Beach Day with Gabriel

May 25th

Since Gabriel was down for Memorial Day weekend, we decided to head out to the beach early Saturday morning. We wanted to beat the crowds and the heat. It was surprisingly cool for a Saturday in late May. The water wasn't too bad, but the wind was crazy. We couldn't even set up a canopy or an umbrella. Everything kept blowing over! Natalie wanted to sit in her chair and stay wrapped in her towel. We made the best of it and stayed a couple hours.


Zoo Day

May 19th
Since Parker was in town at the same time as Gabriel, we decided to make a day of it and go to the zoo. We love the zoo and enjoy getting there early to see the animals before it's too hot outside. We had a great day as usual! The kids had the opportunity to touch a real live indigo snake. Natalie was super excited until she was first in line. She didn't dare touch the snake, but Pooh was brave enough to touch it!
Natalie and Pooh looking at the birds.
 Warning Mom: Snake picture below. It's from far away though.
Looking at the snakes with Daddy and showing Pooh.
Sliding- her favorite.
Hanging with two of my faves- Natalie and Pooh- in the tree house.
Making faces with Daddy.

Parker and Gabriel

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Abigail is Two Months!

May 12th
Abi is two months old! Thanks to a messed up computer...and the fact that I had Abigail to begin with, I am way behind on blogging. If I ever catch up, it will be a miracle! Abi is growing like a weed these days. At her two month check up she weighed in at 11 pounds 11 ounces and is slightly over 24 inches long. In just two short months she grew over four inches! She is in the 75th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height. A typical Kendall! She reached all of her milestones- smiling, turning towards sounds, following with her eyes, and holding her head up!
We are pretty amazed with her eye sight. When Natalie was little, we were paranoid at times that she couldn't see well. Abi definitely doesn't have that problem. Since a very young age, she has been great at following us with her eyes. Even when we are far away, she tracks us as we walk by her. Abi is a big time smiler. She loves to be talked to and smiles constantly. At just under six weeks old, we moved Abi upstairs. It was a little hard for me to transition, but she slept just fine in her crib! We took the video monitor out of Natalie's room and moved it to Abi's room making it easy for me to see her every move.
Just another walk!
All smiles!
Loves her swing.

First night upstairs- 4/22

The girls hanging out.
Natalie is always involved in Abigail's pictures. She decided she wanted Abi to sit on her lap so they could take a picture together. Abi wasn't thrilled with the idea of a picture to begin with so she lost it when I put her on Natalie's lap. Natalie didn't know what to think or do! Usually Natalie tries to push her off as soon as she is "over" the idea of holding her, but I think she was in shock here.
What did I get myself into?

Being a princess.