Sunday, January 29, 2012

Nine Months!

January 21st

Nine Months. The time it takes for a baby to grow full term in it's mommy's belly. So why is it that nine months of pregnancy seems like an eternity, and the first nine months of your child's life passes in an instant? It seems like I wanted to rush through my pregnancy in order to meet Natalie, and now I just want time to stand still so I can enjoy her as a baby. It's kind of like school and summer vacation. The school year drags by, and summer vacation is over in the blink of an eye.

As a new(ish) parent, I always have people giving me advice, telling me their opinions, or sharing stories. I am a good listener, take all ideas into consideration, and then in the end Nathan and I do what's best for our little girl. It's surprising the number of people that say things like, "I bet you can't wait until she sleeps through the night" or "Man, I can't believe she's not eating real food yet". The funny thing is I can wait for all of these things. I know that Natalie has the rest of her life to sleep through the night, go to bed on her own, walk, run, skip, fall and get hurt, eat solid foods, play by herself, and be independent...without relying solely on us. But for now, we are going to do our best to enjoy our nine month old baby girl. Why rush something that will happen inevitably? After all, one day I'm going to look back and be amazed that it all passed so quickly.

It's hard to believe that Natalie's only been in our lives for three-quarters of a year. When you think about it, that's not much time yet I still can't imagine the last nine months without her. Even though I'm not rushing, I still find myself planning Natalie's 1st birthday. I realize it's three months away, but let's face it, that's not long at all. Maybe if I stopped rushing the school year, Natalie would stay little for longer...what do you think?

Now on to what you came to read! Natalie is nine months old! She is so active. She is crawling everywhere and climbing up on everything. She went from two bottom teeth, to six total teeth in a matter of days! So far she has been a fabulous teether...knock on wood. She is clapping, standing, laughing, and trying to give kisses (usually it's a big opened mouth lick). She still loves her bathtime and the outdoors. Her latest favorites are going out on the trampoline and riding in her wagon! She loves climbing up the stairs and playing with kitty. Kitty is still faster, but Natalie gives him a run for his money!

Just when you thought Natalie couldn't get any cuter, I took her 9 month pictures. Keeping an active 9 month old baby still is not an easy task. Natalie's pictures in order from start to finish:

That's what I was waiting for!

Every mom dreams of the day she gets to put her daughter's hair in a pony tail!!

What do you mean I can't touch this?

I can even get down!

Nathan's grandma got this lamb for Natalie. I started singing Jesus Loves Me and Natalie started dancing! She's getting to the age where she enjoys stuffed animals and loveys!

I haven't blinked yet, but the months continue to pass me by. Next month will be here before we know it.

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Holiday Weekend

January 16th

 It isn't very often that Nathan gets to share in our three day weekends. That's definitely a perk that comes along with being a teacher. For years it was just me and Gabriel and now Natalie too. For MLK Day, Nathan had a little extra vacation and took the day off. We spent the day playing, jumping on the trampoline, and going to get ice cream. It was a very relaxing day!

Gabriel trying out his Christmas present for the first time.

 Natalie has been on the trampoline before, but this was the first time she really seemed to enjoy it. She got the hang of it and started jumping by herself!

Natalie is getting more confident climbing up the stairs. Like everything she does, she continues to practice until she has mastered her new skill!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Climbing Mount 'Kendall'manjaro

January 7th

It didn't take our little crawler long to realize she lived in a two story house...and stairs are fun! Natalie loves to go up and down...and up and down...over and over. We haven't gotten a baby gate yet, so for now it's something that she does multiple times a day and really loves it. She knows it is a little scary and is pretty cautious about it.

Natalie's first attempt at stair climbing:

Natalie's New Tricks

January 2nd

Natalie has learned so many new tricks lately. She loves making sounds with her tongue and mouth. She can click her tongue and make sounds by moving it against her upper lip. We have practiced with her for a while, and she now loves to mimic what we do...and we love to mimic her!

Trying to catch Natalie in action

A little too bright, but how can I NOT post this??

Thursday, January 12, 2012

North Carolina for New Year's

December 29th- January 1st

For New Year's, we decided to head up north to visit Nathan's brother, Mark. The four of us (me, Nathan, Natalie, and Nathan's mom) left late Thursday night hoping that Natalie would sleep most of the way. We passed through South Carolina to pick up Gabriel and Parker (Mark's middle son) on the way. It was midnight by the time we made it, and we were all exhausted.

 The next day was spent hanging around the apartment, playing outside, and attempting to go on a walk in the freezing cold weather.

Mark's apartment complex

Parker after he slid down a muddy slope.

Grammo and Jake

My loves

On Saturday we headed on over to Charlotte to go to the NASCAR Hall of Fame. This was a pretty cool experience. It was awesome to finally see it since Mark built it, plus it was filled with Lowe's and Jimmie Johnson things which we love to see!

Almost there
Nathan and Natalie outside the Hall of Fame

The boys


Us in front of the Jimmie J. car

Nathan about to ride the simulator

We took a break from the Hall of Fame and went downstairs to have some lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. We waited for quite some time so by the time the food came Natalie was getting a little impatient. I had to hold Natalie towards the end of my meal, and she was playing with my drink straw. All of a sudden I realized my leg was getting wet...Natalie was drinking out of the straw! It was her first time trying, and she was a pro in no time! This was the highlight of my weekend :) Our baby girl is growing up!

Practicing that night with Daddy
Grammo and Jake on a walk

After a very fun, action packed weekend, it was wonderful to get home and sleep in our own bed (and crib!!). Natalie did a fantastic job in the car considering it was such a long drive there and back.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Natalie Brushing Her Teeth

December 28th

Natalie got her first toothbrush in her stocking for Christmas. It was a little difficult brushing an eight month olds teeth, but we got it done!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

She's a Mover and a Shaker!

December 26th and 27th

Announcement, Announcement: Natalie is officially crawling! On Monday, Natalie was playing on the floor, and it just happened! She has been trying for a while, but this was a real crawl. She finally figured out that she has to move her arms AND legs. Natalie was so proud of herself. Nathan and I could tell she felt like she had accomplished something that she has been working towards for a long time.  

By Tuesday night, Natalie had figured out how to stand up in her crib and climb all over the furniture. It is her personal mission to crawl towards everything tall and pull to a standing position! She is now walking along the furniture and moving from one piece to the next. We can't take our eyes off of her for a second!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Natalie's First Christmas

December 25th

Our first Christmas as a family of four was perfect! After Natalie tried to wake up super early (and I got her back to bed), Gabriel woke up much earlier than usual. He was first down the stairs to discover all of the toys Santa brought. It wasn't too long before Natalie realized she was missing all of the action and woke up to see what Santa left her. The four of us spent the morning trying out our new toys and getting ready for Christmas evening, which would be spent with both sets of Grandparents. Gabriel's highlights included a remote control helicopter, gator paraphernalia, a bow and arrow, and several items to make his room like outer space. Natalie's highlights included an interactive table, talking puppy dog, and bath toys. The kids had stockings filled with toys, candy, and books. Nathan and I also had stockings from Santa full of candy, craft supplies, tape measures, and gadgets. It was a Christmas to remember!



Our stockings that were too full to hang!

Daddy got Natalie a special toy. This is the exact same bath toy that Nathan picked out for Natalie's angel. Natalie loved it so much and didn't want to give it up, but she did and now has one of her very own!

Natalie got Puffs in her stocking. This was her initial hasn't improved much since!

Gabriel trying out his new helicopter
Our hot cocoa bar toppings and stir sticks

The cocoa and mugs

Grammo giving Natalie her presents

Natalie's new ride!