Monday, July 2, 2012

Fourteen Months!

June 21st

Here we are at fourteen months. It feels like I just posted about Natalie being thirteen months, partly because I continue to be so far behind! Natalie is growing up into a playful, loving, inquisitive toddler. She has discovered climbing and LOVES it. She has learned to climb Gabriel's bunk bed ladder and anything else that poses a threat to her health. We can't turn our back for a second or she will be standing up on the coffee table!

Natalie also continues to love reading. She has a basket of books downstairs and will sit beside it and read through her books for a long time. She loves to bring a book to us and climb on our lap to hear it. There are times where she will sit and listen to 10 books, depending on her mood at the moment. Natalie has a couple of favorite books and is so familiar with the books that she can pick the book based on us singing or reciting the words!

Since Natalie was a teeny weeny baby, we have been singing "Sweet Caroline" only we sing Sweet Natalie. We would sing it over and over, and at some point Natalie started to sing along too! We sing "Sweet Natalie" and she says "oh oh oh" and we finish with "you are the sweetest Natalie to me". Nathan can be across the house whistling the tune and Natalie will chime in "oh oh oh". She is pretty talented! However, we are just ignore us :)
This was a pretty high strung version of Natalie singing. Perhaps being on the counter was a little too much for her to handle!

Natalie still continues to be a sweetheart and loves to give night night kisses. Thanks to Nathan she has learned to step on bugs and headbutt- things that all good Daddies teach their daughters. He also taught her how to gasp in surprise. She sucks in a deep breath and her little mouth makes a circle. It is precious!
She still loves to smell everything. A couple of weeks ago we had parsley in the refrigerator and everytime she saw it she would crinkle up her nose to sniff it! Naturally, I let her! She also knows to sniff her nose when I ask if she's poopy. TMI I know :)
Here are some pictures and videos from the past month. Be prepared, there are a ton!
Natalie visiting the ducks across from my classroom.

Our little lady in pig tails.

Daddy helping Kitty be sweet to Natalie.

Natalie figured out how to use the whistle.

Wait for the princess pose at the end. She sure knows how to make you say "Awwww"!

Natalie figuring out how to open fruit snacks on her own.

Our dancing queen jamming out to the Backyardigans and knowing she is being naughty on the counter.

Our inquisitive daughter trying to figure out how to close the box.

Natalie taking a dip in the pool- fully clothed and with shoes! She loved it because she wasn't slipping!
 Almost forgot, her official 14 month pictures!

When Natalie completes a difficult task (climbing usually) or is doing something naughty she always starts chirping and yelling for attention, like "Hey, look at me!"

Her big thing- "Hi" and waving to everyone- Kitty included!

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