Monday, August 7, 2017

This is Not a Joke {Take 2}

August 7th, 2017

983 days. Just shy of three years. That's how long it's been since my last blog entry. I've been racking my brain trying to think of a clever way to reenter the world of blogging but then it hit me. I tried that 983 days ago, and we see how well that worked out.

New approach, I've just got to move on. There. Is. No. Way. To. Back-Blog. FOUR. Years. I have always been scared to move on because that would mean I was leaving out a huge chunk of memories, milestones, and updates. Almost like four years of our life never actually happened. The hardest part for me was knowing it was the first four years of Abi's life, which REALLY made me feel like I did her a disservice as her mom. A major mom failure moment. However, the weight of being so far behind prevented me from blogging our current life, which turns out is an even bigger failure.

So, I'm just going to do it. I'm going to move on to the present, where Abigail is four and about to start VPK, Natalie is six and starting first grade, Gabriel is entering his junior year of high school, Nathan has a bachelor's degree and a new job, and I have a crazy busy life as mom, wife, amateur blogger, fourth grade teacher, and this ridiculous dream of a career in writing.

Needless to say, I'm back. Just bare with me as I get reacquainted with blogging, all while starting a new school year with BOTH girls at my school, squeezing in time to take two "continuing education" writing classes, juggling my new found love of reading (binge reading rather), jumping into a last minute bathroom remodel inspired by "sparkling sage" paint, and everything that goes along with my chaotic, beautiful life.

This is The Kendall Memoirs.

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