Monday, February 4, 2013

20 Months!

December 21st

I am going to have to do a better job at keeping up with things. Natalie is learning so much that it's hard to remember all of the amazing milestones from month to month! Even though she loves to get her picture taken, she will not sit down in her chair and smile! It is a battle month after month! 

Natalie loves to "talk" on the phone to "Poppa, GG, 'Mong Mong'" all the time. She walks around the house talking and is always talking to the same three people. Although sometimes I'm not sure if she knows they are three different people because they are always grouped together when she mentions anything! We can't complain though because she loves going to Poppa, GG, Mong Mong's house. 


After enjoying a blue ICEE. Now she expects our tongues to be blue all the time!   

  Natalie's love for Publix spinach artichoke dip is getting out of hand. She loves it so much she typically ditches the chips after a minute or two and just licks it off her finger! I guess if we consider the fact that it has spinach, then Natalie does like one vegetable!

Finger lickin' good!

Her first bubble bath!
 Shopping with Natalie is still a constant struggle, but since we have to eat, we shop at Publix. Natalie walks in and knows she gets a cookie, hopefully a car buggie, and sometimes even a balloon! Who wouldn't want to go shopping?
Enjoying the perks of Publix.
 Trains! She is still completely obsessed with them. She thinks we have to ride them all and loves to hear the real "Choo Choos" out and about.
Waiting on the train.

Another train ride.
 Natalie continues to be all girl and such a talker! She is memorizing and repeating so many words. She loves to play Ring Around the Rosie and sing Row, row, row your BUS... I've given up on trying to correct her. She loves school buses and the song, so for now we are just going with it! Natalie has discovered crayons and loves to color. She colors almost as much as she bites the tips off the crayons!

Coloring at one of her art stations.

Park day with baby and the bus.

Taking the time to stop and smell my "It's another girl" flowers!
 Have I mentioned drums? I'm not sure if she likes drums because of Fresh Beat Band or if it's from something else, but one day she started drumming and now she drums on everything! She found a drum that Gabriel made from a Lowe's project and would not put it down.

The drum Gabriel made.

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