Friday, May 11, 2012

Our One Year Old Baby Girl

April 21st

Natalie has changed so much this month. Here are just a few new things she has learned.

Natalie playing with her new kitty toy.

Natalie loves to stand on her ride on toy. While I was doing dishes, she came over to help. I had no idea she was standing on the steering wheel until Nathan pointed it out!

Natalie reading "Are You Ticklish?" with Daddy.

Who needs a door? Natalie loves her new ride from Poppa and Grandma.

Natalie has always been interested in Kitty's food. She tried a couple times to grab it but eventually realized she wasn't supposed to touch it. She has learned to be quite creative and will stick her foot in it. This was when I caught her completely standing in his bowl.
Natalie in Kitty's food

Natalie and cousin Jake playing with Natalie's new water table from Grammo.

Natalie playing soccer.

Our talented girl eating banana muffins.

Natalie's new thing is piling up clothes on top of her. She doesn't care if they are clean or dirty, she just loves to stack everything up. It is pretty funny to watch because she piles the clothes and takes them off one by one. She will do this over and over.

After pulling out her PJs, Daddy helped her pile them up!

Natalie has learned to ask for "more". She always asks for more when eating cookies.

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