Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ten Months!

February 21st

Natalie is 10 months! Double digits, are you kidding me?? The last month has flown by. It doesn't surprise me anymore, it just makes me a little sad. :( Our baby is growing up, and she's continuing to grow into such a fun, sweet, smart girl! Natalie has such a strong, outgoing personality. She loves to giggle and play. She is ready to go as soon as I get her out of her crib in the morning. Even when she gets sleepy and has had a long day, a quick walk outside and she is all smiles!

Natalie and Kitty are BFFs

It's been a big month for us. Natalie is trying new foods daily. She still is unsure of most and would prefer to eat baby food and drink milk for the rest of her life! Although, she did really enjoy ice cream. She loved it so much, she attempted to climb on the coffee table to get the bowl! She ate it with Daddy and followed the spoon with her mouth wide open the entire time.

Trying a chocolate chip cookie

Natalie is talking up a storm! She has learned to say "goggy" and tends to use it when really excited or when talking about the dog or cat. I think she's trying to say doggy, but she says "goggy, goggy, goggy" over and over. Daddy taught her how to use her fingers to change the sounds she makes. She is pretty much a genius and picked up on it in like a day. She loves to play games with Daddy and try out all of the tricks she knows.

Let the walking begin! Natalie has decided at 10 months to start walking. She doesn't do it all of the time yet, and she still has a ways to go, but she is on her way. I think she will be running, skipping, and hopping by her birthday at the rate she's going!

We are so in love with our baby girl. It amazes us daily how fast she's growing and how smart she's getting.

Discovering the open window

....Discovering the open window

Discovering Kitty likes the open window too!

Natalie's Current Favs: playing on the trampoline, going on walks in the wagon, eating sweet potato puffs and cheesy puffs, watching the Backyardigans, watching the ducks and all wildlife in the backyard, looking for birds and planes in the sky, attempting to play in the toilet (which is a big no-no), being outside in general, drinking juice from the sippy she picked out with Daddy, doing fun big brother stuff with Gabriel, and of course loving on the three of us.

Natalie's Current Dislikes: Most solid foods, riding in the car (STILL!!!), being held...while outside or at the store, being put down...while at home so I can get something done, and sleeping in.

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