February 9th
For the second year in a row, we participated in the county Fun Run. This year was a little more challenging than last. Nathan decided to run with Gabriel on his newly hurt ankle. Natalie is a little more adventurous and wanted to run too. And I walked being eight months pregnant. The Fun Run is only a mile which doesn't sound bad at all. However, the run is over and back an overpass/bridge, and it wasn't properly measured so it was actually almost two miles! We met up with some good friends of mine from work, and they all helped me with Natalie while the guys ran ahead! Natalie ran at least half of the time and had a great time! We ended up leaving with a FORTY pound box of bananas! Nathan and Gabriel ate about 7 bananas a day, we made banana splits and banana bread, and Nathan took the rest to work. Our house smelled like a tropical island for a week!
The runners before the race. |
Hanging out with Nolan. |
Lining up at the starting line. |
Gabriel- broken collar bone. Nathan- sprained ankle. |
Running around after the race! |
Gabriel being a good big brother! |
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