Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Christmas at the Zoo

December 23rd

On Sunday night, we went to the zoo to really get in the Christmas spirit. Nathan's brother Mark was in town with all three boys so we invited Grammo and the boys to come along. The zoo was doing their annual Night of Lights, which meant lots of Christmas lights and entertainment. There were few animals out and about because it was late and most were inside sleeping. We did see the giraffes and kangaroos while taking a train ride around the zoo. There was a snow machine set up, a movie on the lawn, bounce houses (with extremely long lines), and Santa was even there. The zoo did not do a great job at their Santa picking, but it got the job done. Natalie wanted nothing to do with him, which made me happy I didn't take her to the mall to stand in a line for hours! Her favorite part was the choo choo train and the carousel ride. It seemed fitting that she rode on the elephant because she loves when Daddy makes the elephant sound. It is extremely realistic! 

I guess I mainly focused my picture taking on the littlest ones because I didn't have any of the big boys or Grammo. I think it had to do with how cutely they interacted with each other.

Natalie and cousin Jake sharing toys.
Jake with his Daddy 

Daddy and Natalie admiring the lights.

Jake feeding Natalie a cookie.

The big boys with their littlest one.

One of the few animals out and about during our trip.

Natalie's favorite part about the zoo.

Snug and warm.

Natalie and I with Santa.

Her face says it all.

Jake on the lion.

Natalie on the elephant.

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