October 29th
I guess I should start by saying Natalie is going to be a not-so-big sister in March! I figure most people who read my blog already know this news, but just in case here's the big announcement! So no, I am not just getting a little chubby in the middle I'm due March 19, 2013. On Monday, we had our big gender ultrasound. It was pretty cool because Gabriel went with us. We were able to see Baby Kendall move around, rub its face, stretch its arms, and see and hear its heartbeat.
We decided long before getting pregnant that with baby number two, we would have a gender reveal party to find out the sex. Gender reveal parties are becoming very popular, but we thought it would be very unique if we didn't find out and let my sister make the gender reveal cake. That way Nathan and I could find out with all of the people we care about most. Our ultrasound tech gladly went along with it, told us when to turn away, wrote down the gender, and put it in my pre-addressed envelope. She told us when to turn away, but Baby Kendall was a stinker for a while. The tech had to push around on my belly for a couple of minutes until she got Baby Kendall to show the goods. His or her legs were crossed at the ankles making it difficult to see.
The best part about the appointment was to hear that Baby Kendall is healthy and on track. Here are a couple of not so great phone pictures from the ultrasound.
This is the head (skull) and to the top left of the head a little hand with the tiny fingers. |
Profile shot of Baby Kendall |
Baby Kendall with an arm going over the head and rubbing the face. |