Today's actual date: 11/26
Where I actually am in my blog because I've been the ultimate slacker: sometime July of 2013
I'm in the shower tonight, and it hits me. I don't want to be a blog failure. When I started my blog in June 2011, I had a couple of goals in mind. First, I wanted to stay on top of taking pictures of my sweet Natalie Grace. Second, I didn't have a Facebook, and this was an outlet to stay connected to the world,
But tonight, when I started thinking about it, I realized that I'm just pretty amazing at writing. Okay, that's a slight exaggeration, but my point is I realized that I enjoy to write and feel I do a decent(ish) job at it.
Let's face it, there is no glory in blogging...well at least there isn't in my blogging. I have about four people who used to check it on a regular basis, you know back when I was a regular blogger. Those same four people are family members that I speak to almost daily and are involved in my life with or without my blog! Eventually they stopped asking because I became just another statistic. You know, the statistic of "once you have your second child, you won't have time for your blog" or "this baby won't even get a photo album, you're just going to shove some pictures in a book". It's sad to say that they, the Debbie Downers of the world, were right! I didn't have time. But what I don't think people understand is that instead of blogging I decided to make memories with my girls. No, I didn't document or take pictures of every single one, and I could very well be that mother that says, "Oh yea, I remember one of my kids did that too..." and have no idea which one actually did it; but in the scheme of things, I think I'm going to be okay with that. This blog is and always has been for me.
Here's to no longer feeling like a mom failure because the last update of Abigail was when she was 3 months old. It has nothing to do with my love for her, only how much I love to sleep!
Here's to not worrying if I document every single zoo trip (because there have been A LOT and how many times do you really need to see animal pictures).
Here's to continuing my blog because I enjoy it, and as a mom, sometimes I put my interests on the back burner.
Here's to kicking ass and taking names as I bust it trying to back-blog the last 17 months of my life!
Here's to continuing to live my life and make it awesome, not just being concerned with how
blog-able the experience is.