June 30th
I have made two observations since beginning this blog. One: I am a solid six months behind (how pathetic is that??). Two: I haven't blogged in almost two months! I don't know how this has happened...or keeps happening! I guess it's life and with two very energetic, high maintenance girls. I am just lucky I have continued! The problem is I start feeling behind and get overwhelmed. Then once I begin I am so paranoid I will forget some life altering update, that I panic and spend so much time on each blog. It's a vicious cycle really. So here goes: I will get my blog updated. I won't give a date because clearly that is pointless, but I am hoping it's going to happen in the next two months. Since I am a good six months in the hole, I thought I would include a very recent picture to give you a look inside the reality of my life!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and here's to my most important resolution- Getting my blog up and running again!!
Christmas Eve with the babes! |
Our best self portrait of the night! |
It's really hard to keep up with Natalie without monthly updates! She is learning so much these days. She knows her ABC's and loves to sing. Her favorite songs include the ABC's, Skinnamarink, Twinkle Twinkle, and Are You Sleeping?. Over my maternity leave she really became interested in Nickelodeon shows like Dora and Diego. I thought I might very well become bilingual! She continues to love to have muffins for breakfast. I think she is in a breakfast rut because she won't have anything other than muffins! She is totally obsessed with milk. Natalie constantly has to have a milk sippy- at night, in the morning, at all meals!
Natalie has gotten in a horrible habit of crossing her eyes, thanks to her sweet brother Gabriel! At first we were correcting her each time we saw her, and then we decided to ignore the behavior. Needless to say, she's a pro. She can completely cross one eye while keeping the other eye straight! It's quite a talent!
She continues to be fearless when it comes to running, jumping, and climbing. I think a lot of this is because of her practice with Daddy at the park. Daddy and Natalie have a very special bond. They are big time into bath time routines. Currently, Natalie sings a song to the tune of "You're the One I Want" by Olivia Newton John while soaping up in the bath. The lyrics are slightly changed and go like this, "You better soap up, Oo-Oo-Oo, 'cause I need a woman, and I know that she is you." The funniest part about the whole thing is Nathan sings in a high pitched voice to sound like a woman so Natalie also does it because she thinks she's supposed to! Therefore, she is singing super high!
Being silly at the pond |
Bounce house in the play room! |
Natalie has a Pooh obsession, and by Pooh I mean "Winnie-Ma-Pooh"! She loves her Little Pooh that is a Disney World original. She only had one Little Pooh, but we have since added a Big Pooh. I won't go into the gory details of the situation, but let's just say Little Pooh went on an accidental vacation and had to be temporarily replaced by Big Pooh. Once Little Pooh came back from his Orlando vacation, Big Pooh stuck around and they became the dynamic duo.
Natalie with her beloved "Little Pooh" |
And now there's "Big Pooh" |
Natalie dressed in her Rapunzel dress. |
Natalie has gotten very interested in what she wears, especially when it comes to her shoes. She is set in her ways even if it doesn't match. Now you might think I should fight this, however I choose my battles and shoes will not be one of them.
Natalie wearing her Converse shoes immediately after she woke up. |
Can't get more stylish than pink boots on a walk! |
Or can it? How about pink boots with a romper...in public! |
Our little water bug. |
Partyin' it up at Grandma's annual pool party! |
Enjoying our first trip to the public library!