Friday, June 21, 2013

Abigail is 1 month old!

April 12th

Abigail Marie is one month...which means I am way behind! Abigail, also known as Abi, is such a joy to be around. She started out as a very easy going baby but is quickly becoming as high maintenance as her big sister. Abi is constantly showered with kisses from Natalie and the occasional head rub. She loves to sleep in her bouncy seat, swing, and be held. Right about at the one month mark we are seeing more and more sweet smiles!

Abigail is currently not a fan of taking baths. For her first bath, I decided to put the baby bath tub in the big bath tub while Natalie was also taking a bath. Talk about a disaster! Natalie already thinks the baby bath is her own personal boat, but she also took it upon herself to "give" (translation- throw) Abi some toys! Needless to say that was the quickest bath I've ever given, and until further notice they take separate baths!

Getting a little Daddy interaction

The girls hanging out with Grandma.

Natalie acting like a puppy. Abigail thinking it's funny!

Going on her first walk.

Catching one of her first smiles!
This is for those who thought our monthly pictures are easy! It definitely takes two people and more than one attempt!
Attempt #1- Not a happy camper.

Attempt #2- Not too sure if she can sit up.

Attempt #3- Better but not quite there!

Attempt #4- Sticking her tongue out at the idea.

Attempt #5- A headband always makes it better!

Attempt #6- That was exhausting!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Chuck E. Cheese

April 5th

On Friday, my mom and I took the girls to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time. It's pretty impressive that Natalie is almost two and hadn't gone yet! When we walked in Natalie was in awe. It was like a dream come true. It was filled with all of her favorites- tunnels like at Chick-Fil-A and rides like the mall! We ordered our pizza and were off to play. I don't know when it was the last time you were up in a little kiddie tunnel, but it is quite challenging. Add to it the fact that I was a few weeks post csection, and it was darn near impossible! Oh, what we do for our kids! Next time I'm bringing knee pads. Natalie could practically stand up and run in the tunnels, and I on the other hand was practically scooting on my backside! Natalie had a blast. She loved Chuck E. that sang and danced on stage but wasn't too fond of the real one that walked around. She continued to drag Grandma up to the stage to dance. Abigail was a fantastic sister and slept almost the whole time leaving the two of us to hang with big sister!

Yes, that's a skinned nose that I chose not to blog about!!

Hanging out in what appears to be a gigantic tunnel!!

Taking a break with her cool new cup!

Dancing with Mong Mong

One of the many times up the tunnels!

One of her favorite rides.
As with all fun things, she now asks to go often. If she's anything like Gabriel, she will be asking to go until she's like 10 years old!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Easter 2013

March 31st
At 23 months, Natalie celebrated her third Easter. This was the first year she really knew what was going on and actually enjoyed Easter. After waking up and opening baskets, Natalie went hunting for eggs. She was a pro and didn't understand when she ran out of eggs to find! That afternoon we took the girls to Poppa and Mong Mong's house for Easter dinner. Natalie got to egg hunt again, this time with a bazillion candy filled plastic eggs.

Look it's Hello Kitty!

Elmo stickers!

Blue malted milk ball mouth!

Our sweet girl.

Look Daddy!

Egg hunting at Grandma and Poppa's house.

Abi sleeping through it all.

There was even a tiny camera inside an egg!

Sisters on Easter.

Hanging out with her new Ariel from Disney!

Watering the plants with her new watering duck!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Easter at the Zoo

March 30th
 The day before Easter, the zoo was doing an egg hunt. We thought since we are zoo pass holders, we would take the girls up for another Easter activity! By this time Natalie had practiced egg hunting at Mong Mong's house and at the egg drop so she was a pro. The zoo egg hunt was anything but an actual "hunt". There were tons of eggs scattered all over the zoo lawn for each age group to find. After the hunt we saw a couple of animals, played in the play area, and went home since the zoo was nuts!

Abi enjoying her first trip to the zoo.

Later that evening we colored eggs. Talk about testing our patience! Natalie is at the age where she wants to do everything, and that doesn't mix well with egg dye! She had a fun time and cracked multiple eggs in the process.