April 21st
My whole life I've wanted to be a mom. I guess I had other dreams too, but being a mom was always the most important. After trying for months, years really, I was so overjoyed when I got pregnant with Natalie. Don't get me wrong, I was also negative, neurotic, emotional, and pretty much crazy throughout my entire pregnancy, but I knew if everything went as planned that the day Natalie was born would be the happiest day of my life. Everything did go as planned, and I was right. One year ago, my world changed. I became the mother of the most perfect baby girl. My baby girl, my saving grace. My Natalie Grace.
One year. I can't believe it's been a year. Not just any year, the best year of my life. The fastest too. Our baby girl and this last year have forever changed my life. I can't imagine the last year without Natalie, and I can only imagine the rest of my life with her in it!
Our little girl is the sweetest, smartest, most beautiful baby in the entire world. She is changing so much, and it is so hard to keep up with all of her new skills! Not only is she walking, she is starting to run. She even learned to play soccer by watching Daddy and Gabriel. As they were trying to play a game, she came in and took the ball. She loves to walk around and kick the ball now.
She is now totally eating real people food!! Huge accomplishment! Her favorite meal is breakfast, and she loves banana muffins or any kind really. She usually eats breakfast twice -once with me when I drop her off at Poppa's and again later with Poppa. She loves her snacks and especially loves chocolate chip cookies! She has learned to sign "more" by eating cookies. She will ask for more after every bite. She also has learned "all done" but hasn't perfected when to use it.
Natalie loves to squeal, scream, talk, babble, and make any sort of sound. She mimicks her Daddy big time and loves to practice her new words. She is saying mama, dada, and duck, along with various sounds that are beginning to sound like real words. She giggles and laughs constantly and has a smile on her face almost all day. She loves to play with her toys inside and out, but her new favorite is reading. She enjoys reading her books. She grabs a book from her basket and brings it to us all the time. She has her favorites so we have read some quite a few times!
Daddy and Natalie have a routine with going to the park. About 2-3 times a week, they stop at the park after leaving Poppa's house. Natalie swings, they swing together, she spins on the Merry-Go-Round, and Natalie explores the rubber mulch. She has such a great time, and I get surprised with weekly pictures and videos while at work. I love that Nathan has this special time with her, and I know how much they both enjoy it. Our little girl even has a tan!!
I could go on and on, but I'm going to separate this post into a couple different ones.
One onesie (0-3 months), one chair, one baby throughout one year
I wish I knew why this picture was a different size!!! |
Favorites at one year: Being outside, exploring anything and everything, watching the ducks, petting Kitty, waving, smiling, eating banana muffins, snacking on cookies and cheesy puffs, taking baths with Mommy, getting chased by Daddy, climbing and standing on dangerous objects, hanging out with Gabriel and playing with his big boy toys, the Backyardigans, going to the park with Daddy, and being a lovey dovey to all her favorites!
Dislikes: The car STILL, dinnertime (most nights), letting Mommy get anything done after work, most vegetables, whole milk- unless it's chocolate, and sleeping in.